Thursday 3 January 2013

Pat the peacock

 Once upon a time a very long time ago. Where the animals played and the birds sang, and oh the birds how beautiful their colors where pink, blue, green, orange and many more. But there was one bird who was not so colorful his name was Pat the peacock. Pat was only black and grey. He did not like being so plain he wanted to be beautiful like all the other birds.  
         One day Polly the parrot said why don’t we do a contest for the most colorful bird M. Toucan can be the judge. Everyone agreed to the contest but not Pat he got so sad cause was certain he was not going to win. So he walked away from every one else. Walked to a big tree where he sat down to rest. When suddenly it started to rain. Oh great, sighed Pat as h started to cry he wished and wished he could be more colorful. As he made that wish the rain stopped he opened his Eyes and saw a rainbow. Sitting on the rainbow was something even more colorful. Pat walked over there sitting on the rainbow was a chameleon. “Hi there” he said, “I guess from the look on your face that you are sad.” “Yes,” said Pat. “Well what can I do to help do you have a wish maybe?” said the chameleon in a cheerful voice. “Well I do have a wish I want to be colorful like all the other birds.” “Well if that’s what you want then closed your eyes and step into my rainbow.” Pat closed his eyes and walked through the rainbow when he came out the other side he had the most colors of and of the birds. He had blue and purple and orange and red and all the colors of the rainbow. Pat jumped for joy and turned back to thank the chameleon but he was gone.

                  Pat walked back to the other birds and entered the contest. When M. Toucan told the winner everybody was shocked. THE WINNER IS PAT THE PEACOCK. Ever since then Pat was the most colorful bird ever.

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