Thursday 3 January 2013

Treasure in the cave

Hi my name is Amy Peterson and this is my journal. This morning  I was very surprised to find an old treasure map in my closet. Old and crinkled, the map was very fragile. I was so excited; I really wanted to find the treasure. So I saddled up my horse, Pirate, with my dad’s old western saddle. Although the saddle was very old, it still had the smell of brand new leather. Grabbing the map on the way, I jumped with all my might onto Pirate. We galloped away in the direction the map was telling us to go. Galloping on Pirate felt like flying, all four feet off the ground. It was a beautiful day and the breeze felt so good on my face.

      When we got to our destination, there was a large, eerie cave. The map said the treasure was inside the cave. I took large steps up a short rocky hill, leaving Pirate tied to a tree. It was a dark cave with purple, sharp pointed rocks hanging from the ceiling. Drops of water fell from the rocks. Although the drops were small, they made the loudest sounds when they hit the cave floor. The smell was wet and humid. I took very small steps, further and further into the cave. Suddenly, I hit my knee on a large rock. There was a loud, high-pitched scream. I stood frozen with fright, only to realize the scream was my own, so I moved the rock away.

      Behind the rock was a heavy box with an odd looking lock on it. I wanted to see it in better light, so I hopped onto Pirate and galloped home, keeping a firm grip on the box. When I got back into my messy room, I shoved aside some books and clothes and sat down with the box. As I examined the lock more closely, I realized it was open. With shaking hands, I opened box ever so carefully. Inside was another smaller box with no lock on it. Lifting the lid to the small box, my hands where shaking madly with excitement. Inside that box was a small note, folded in half. OK, I was shaking with the thrill of the note … what could it say??? In perfect hand writing that looked a lot like my brother’s it said:
                                                    GOT CHA! 

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